Monday, 7 November 2011


No promise from him, she craved
His good was all she prayed
She was special,
For there was no good he had done to her.
He was cute,
And an element- of craze for many like her.
Though they talked little,
His troubles sent her in dismay
His smiles made her merry.
That fact that he was around,
Sent her to a different world
That fact that he wasn`t,
 Engulfed her into a void.
 Conversation was not, what she avoided,
But talking to him was difficult affair.
For the intense connection she shared,
It seemed overrated too.
She prayed, she wished
Let no glory miss his fate.
What she wanted in return,
Still remains to be gauged.
She was holy, and so were her prayers
For they merrily averted , all his dangers.
He`s   ignorant and blessed
To have her,  nearer than the rest.
Similar tale unwinds everyday,
She still prays………still wishes……..
While the world toils to find her name,
I take pride to give her the fame.
I call her a WELL-WISHER.


  1. and I'd call this a well-composed piece!

  2. b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l piece f wrk re.. :) :)

  3. beautifully written..!! :)
    PS. Diercted here by Mohena di!

  4. thanks Miana :) P.S. -Tell her thanks!

  5. dis is reali superb...d best part in ur writings is dat v cn actually relate dem to ourselves...amazingly superb..:D

  6. thanks Sravani! Now I realy want to retain that best part:)
