Wednesday, 19 September 2012

If we ever meet again...

Same paths will be walked on.
Where we always ran and fell.
Same names will be written,
That we never failed to spell.

Your leap to the joy,
Every time I wore the t-shirt wrong.
And moments of pain,
When I failed to hold thee strong.

Those wild stares, the unplanned escapes
When breath spoke of unison and time held still.
The stupid fallacies we perched on.
Would remain and grow stronger in feel.

The midnight calls which had all but words,
On days you failed to survive the odds.
The happy times when the pouring rain,
Washed away the anguish , carried away the pain.

Things may be tough, situations may be new
A faint hope remains for all but few.

Same paths will be walked on,
Where we always ran and fell
Same paths will be walked on,
If we ever meet again…..