Wednesday, 7 December 2011

With you

With you
Those dreams which lit the nights
Realised its vision even in the daylight.
The love which looked good in books
 Appeared like it never had any goofs.

 With you
That insane school boy’s love found its passion.
Teaching me a thing or two about fashion.
The admired red rose finally found its meaning,
Words somehow faltered to explain that feeling.

With you
That roadside tea tasted the best.
In rain,while we ran faster than the rest.
The confident soul in me learnt to stammer.
Never thought it could betray me in this manner.

With you
The air around had a fragrance.
Which took care of me, even in your absence.
Smile and tears which belonged to different family
Often Show up together,happily and in harmony.

With you
Hope these lines are rewarded,when they are read.
As I hold in hand this piece of lead.


  1. its beautiful!! ur really good at it. :)

  2. I went through this post and could not resist commenting!
    this one was really nice!

  3. thank you Vatsala:)Your comments are always welcomed!:)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. superb yr......<3 <3

  6. Madhuri Thorawade11 June 2012 at 07:29

    ' With You ' what better way of saying than this to the one that u love being with most of the time as with that person Time just stands still and everything around seems perfect n beautiful . This one is simply cute n lovely . Totally reminded me of the college days .
